Service to the college, the university, and the field is an integral part of my academic career. The majority of my efforts in this domain have been in two related domains: the Writing Across the Curriculum program at York, where I have overseen the Writing Intensive course offerings and guided a cohort of WAC Fellows in efforts to reinforce the culture of writing in various disciplines at York, and the College Curriculum Committee, where I have represented the English department for four years. These roles have given me a special perspective on, and appreciation for, the operation of the York College curriculum as an integrated system with far-reaching effects on faculty responsibilities and student outcomes. I look forward to being part of future efforts in these domains to maximize curricular responsiveness to student interests and to continue supporting faculty members as they navigate writing pedagogy across diverse disciplines with varied norms and requirements. A listing of administrative roles, college and department service, and service to the field can be found below.
Administrative roles
Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator for Writing Fellows, York College, Fall 2019-present (3 hrs. release time).
York College Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator for Writing Intensive Courses and Student Advisement, Fall 2017-Spring 2018 (3 hrs. release time).
Member, York College Writing Program Administration, Fall 2017-Spring 2018, Fall 2019-present.
College and department service
Member, Election Committee, Graduate Center Linguistics Program, Spring 2022-present
Member, APR Implementation Committee, York College Department of English, Fall 2016-Spring 2019, Fall 2022-present
Member, Major redesign committee, York College Department of English, Fall 2022-present
Alternate delegate, York College Curriculum Committee, Fall 2015-Spring 2016, Fall 2022-present
Member, York College Writing Intensive Advisory Committee, Fall 2018-present
Member, Search committee, Computational Linguistics, Graduate Center Linguistics Program, Fall 2022-Spring 2023
Member, Faculty Membership Committee, Graduate Center Linguistics Program, Spring 2022
Member, Search committee, Journalism, York College Department of English, Fall 2021-Spring 2022
Delegate, York College Curriculum Committee, Fall 2016-Spring 2020
Chair, York College Department of English Curriculum Committee, Fall 2016-Spring 2020
Faculty Marshal, York College Honors Recognition Ceremony, most years 2014-2020
Member, New programs departmental committee (Global Englishes), York College Department of English, Fall 2017-Spring 2019
Member, Assessment Committee, York College Department of English, Fall 2014-Spring 2017
Service to the field and public promotion of the discipline
Ongoing Reviewing for edited volumes and textbooks, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge, Routledge. (2014-23)
Ongoing Article reviewing for peer-reviewed journals:
- Arts (2022-23)
- Discourse, Context, and Media (2019),
- Text & Talk (2018),
- Popular Music (2018-19),
- Journal of Nordic Linguistics (2017),
- Journal of Pragmatics (2014),
- Philippine Journal of Linguistics (2013),
- Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers (2012),
- Language@Internet (2011),
- World Englishes (2010)
2018 Interview on The Vocal Fries: The podcast about linguistic discrimination. Episode “The Latino Threat Narrative”